The Howard Hamm Founder’s Award is presented to a member or members who have been particularly helpful to the President and is selected by the President.
1991 | Nancy Windingland | 1992 | Dick Hilegass | 1993 | Tom & Juli Aubrey |
1994 | John & Sue Carlton | 1995 | Nicki Hudson | 1996 | Sue Carlton & Bill Peugh |
1997 | Joe Drago | 1998 | Jim, Sally & Kelly Batchelder | 1999 | Bob Parks |
2000 | Pat Paquette | 2001 | Harry Gibson | 2002 | Mike Jones & Herb Peveri |
2003 | Norris & Betty Waterfield | 2004 | Nicki Hudson | 2005 | Richard Porter |
2006 | Franklin Gage & Peter Pandolfi | 2007 | Leonard & Pat Paquette | 2008 | Jon Battle |
2009 | Pete & Pam Pandolfi, Richard & Pat Porter | 2010 | Lee & Lita Yarberry | 2011 | Ralph Lankford |
2014 | Jon Battle | 2012 | William Sessler | 2013 | Pete Pandolfi |
2017 | Jon Battle | 2015 | Steve White | 2016 | Bill Winter |